
Hello Land. Be My Valentine!

Hello Land. Be My Valentine

Looking back on Valentine’s Days past, I’ve felt hope, excitement, and love for the many people as well as for many other aspects of my life. And this love is tightly entwined with gratitude for all that I have and for all the good that is to come.

What other aspects, you might ask?

What comes to mind first is my good fortune to end up in the great community I now find myself living in, and for being able to express my love for the environment here. I’ve learned so much from so many people here in this fragile yet robust mid-west plains region. And the potential to learn more and actively put that knowledge to use is like a present waiting to be unwrapped every day.

Walt Whitman once said, “This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals…” So celebrate Valentine’s Day by actively showering your love on whatever part of earth you touch – to look for that excitement, love, and potential in all that you do for the environment. Volunteer, pull noxious weeds, pick up trash, stop idling your car, conserve water, compost, plant native.

The return on this expression of love is without measure.

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