
Tax Time: An Easy Way to Support Iowa Conservation

Tax Time: An Easy Way to Support Iowa Conservation

It’s that time of year again: tax time! I love doing my taxes, and paying my taxes. What I love most is deciding how much to donate to the Chickadee Checkoff. Getting a refund of $58? Round that baby down to $50 and donate $8 to support conservation in our state. It’s easy, and a great way to show support for our state’s wildlife.

First implemented in 1982, the Chickadee Checkoff raises funds for wildlife research, education, awareness, and management in Iowa. Since that time, the number of people donating and the amount raised has declined. Last year, only around 7500 taxpayers took advantage of the Chickadee Checkoff to show their support for wildlife–less than one half of one percent of all taxpayers. Why so few? There are certainly 7500 taxpayers who love and support wildlife just in Iowa City, let alone across the entire state! We can do better.

So as you are filling out your taxes this year, or working with your tax professional, keep in mind the Chickadee Checkoff and donating just a few dollars of your refund on line 57. Ask your friends and relatives if they are supporting the Chickadee Checkoff. Let’s show how much we value the diversity of birds, mammals, prairies, and other wildlife.

For more information, visit the Iowa DNR’s Chickadee Checkoff page, or download their brochure (PDF).

Originally published on Sycamore Greenway Friends

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